Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tinsel in the air

Yes its been a long time between posts, things have been much the same as the last post said; baby a holding (yes even now). But there is nothing like an encroaching festive season to get the crafter in me thinking...

December 1 has become our official start to the Christmas countdown, so of course its advent calendar time! 

When I was a girl all I had was one in a box that we reused every year with less and less and surprise, I wouldn't mind this option but that book is long gone. Last year we lashed out with the Star Wars Lego option which was exceedingly cool so I have set the bar quite high. Sure I could go to the supermarket and get a cartoon themed chocolate number but thats just dull, now. 

So what's a crafter lass to do?

Consult Pinterest of course, I was rather taken with this cloth bag idea;

And I love the frugal fun of this option 

But alas I had not planned ahead and saved loo rolls or have the time to sew bags... 
But what I did have that had been kicking around in my craft box for years, a stack of little brown paper bags! And I had recently brought some new pegs which just happened to be red. So with minimal fuss a diy calendar to countdown!

Still working on the numbers evidently, I made up some super cute printables for the job, but alas again the printer is out of ink, so the first few days were just scribbled on. 

But what you ask is in all those little bags? Well truth be told about half are still empty as they wont be opened for a few weeks.

The planned advent calender fillers are a mix of ideas;

Notes with special Christmas activities, made extra special with mini scroll presentation.
- Put up the tree 
- Christmas movie night
- Gingerbread baking day 
- Take a drive to see Christmas lights

- having just acquired his pen license erasable pens are the hottest thing in class!
- Lego shaped erasers are also hot property

Tiny toys
- Lego mini figs (of course)
- Deck of cards

And a few bags will have little sweets, just for fun.

So far the calendar is  a big hit.

It will look much more festive with the number attached, I will post another pic then, but for now heres a gratuitous cute baby shot, enjoy!

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